Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Farewell from Cheyenne

 And just like that, my internship with ANSM has come to a close. It’s hard to believe that 3 months have come and gone! I have had such an incredible time working with Karin, Krystal and Maggie, and I hope that I can work with them again some day. This placement may have been done remotely, but they were so kind and still helped me create bonds that I will forever be grateful for.

During my time with ANSM I have updated some learning activities to better connect them artifacts in the NovaMuse database, worked with Krystal to create an updated teacher survey, helped create and present a slideshow at the Social Studies Teacher’s Association Conference, and most notably, made learning activities of my very own! My biggest project of the term was inspired by chocolate box artifacts on NovaMuse, which helped me create an activity that guides learners to design their own candy box and follow a recipe to put homemade candy inside! I practiced following the recipe myself…and the candy was quite good! I also made a number of activities that were requested by museums, where I converted some of their in-person activities into online ones so learners from all over the province can access them.

This internship has been so rewarding. I have loved being able to scroll through the different artifacts in the

database to learn more about this province and the museums in it. I’m passionate about teaching others so it makes my heart happy knowing that the activities I’ve made will be viewed by educators, parents and students so they can learn about Nova Scotia history and its museums too! The experience in activity making will be something that I will carry with me through my future careers, and the knowledge I’ve gained about artifacts and their history is something I will always cherish in my personal life.

Thank you so much to Karin, Krystal and Maggie for your guidance during my time here. You encouraged my ideas and helped me make them grow into final products, and I am blessed to have worked with such a supportive group. 

I hope you all have a very happy holiday season! Remember to stay safe and to be kind to one another,


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