Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Museum Moments - NSSHF Induction Night & Museum Promotion

The Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame hosted their Induction Night on November 2nd, 2018 at the Halifax Convention Centre. Four athletes, one team and two builders were inducted, including the first equine inductee for NSSHF. 

ANSM was pleased to see a two-page spread for the museum in the Annual Program. This is a great example of how to promote and celebrate collections with a larger audience.  

Included is a summary of the museum's involvement with the Museum Evaluation Program, public programming efforts and community outreach initiatives, and collections management best practices. NSSHF completed a cost analysis for collections care, providing a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes work necessary in museums. NSSHF also gave thanks to those who have supported the museum in a section titled 'Friends of the Hall.' 

Thanks to the staff and volunteers at the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame for setting an example for museums in Nova Scotia. The NSSHF Facebook and Twitter pages are also a must see. Their team understands the importance of celebrating the stories and connections in their museum records & sharing news with the public from all angles. Bravo!

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