Advisory Service Update
Digitization at Colchester Historeum |
CollectiveAccess Update
There are now 290, 787 artifacts documented with 168, 866 associated images, which means that 945 new records and 2,408 new images have been added to CollectiveAccess this month - great work everyone! Congratulations to the Southwest region for adding the most images this month.
Here's what the numbers look like at the regional level:
Southwest -128530 artifacts, 63460 images
Central - 99314 artifacts, 47716 images
Northeast - 33354 artifacts, 42588 images
Cape Breton - 29589 artifacts, 15102 images
As you prepare for database work this summer, it is important to contact me by email: to set up accounts for your students and volunteers. It is important that they use their own account so that you can monitor changes. A friendly reminder that the curator level accounts have more features, which should only be accessible to the curator. Please do not share logins.
Looking for a refresher on data entry? Please review the CollectiveAccess manual and YouTube tutorials.
Digitization Tip
Let's do something a little patriotic shall we? Here's a beautiful maple leaf patch. For items like this, you can digitize them with and without the scale, using the non-scaled image as your primary image for NovaMuse, and keeping the scale image in your database for quick reference. You can see how a scale would be very distracting in this shot. In terms of 'fixing' this shot, you'll notice a sort of greyish line that runs through from the top left to bottom right. Play with your lighting and camera settings to make sure that your image is evenly lit and doesn't have shadows in any areas.
myNovaMuse - Contributor Galleries
Check out the Beach Days gallery created by the NovaMuse team! Browse the galleries by clicking here.
Is this feature new to you? No problem! Learn how to create your own galleries by watching our YouTube tutorial - click here. Your usernames and passwords were sent to your emails late last year.
Handy Resources available on ANSM website to assist you this summer:
Collections Seasonal Work Calendar
Managing Your NovaMuse Presence
Working with Subject Matter Experts
Working with Military Museum Collections Tip Sheet
Artefact Photography Tips
Click here to download!
Exciting things to come!
SME Pilot Project - this year, our goal is to continue to help Advisory Service sites connect with SMEs in their area. We have partnered with Colchester Historeum and Kings County Museum who have agreed to be the host sites for the project. The staff are excited to work with those in their area to make key connections, learn more about their SMEs' expertise, and enrich their records in the process. Their goal is to link together related items in their collection that tell stories connected to local history. The museums are now looking for SMEs and once these connections are made, they will narrow down a list of artifacts related to their SMEs expertise. The museums will share these records in a series of myNovaMuse galleries on NovaMuse later this year! We will also release a guide to creating stories using online collections later on. Very exciting stuff!
For those of you that would like to start making these connections in your community, please check out our 'Working with Subject Matter Experts' handout (link listed above).
Webinar Series this Fall - to discuss collections management best practices, including digitization and use of CollectiveAccess. Advisory Service members have expressed interest in more online content for learning. One of our ongoing goals is to make content more accessible and we think this is a great way to do so. More information to follow, stay tuned!
CollectiveAccess updates - we are working with Whirl-i-gig to develop an online assistance tool within CollectiveAccess, as well as, data violation reports. This will improve online support and data entry controls in CollectiveAccess. More on this soon!
Membership Update
June 1st marked the start of a new membership year (2018/19)! Check your mailboxes to find your membership renewal package; it contains ANSM updates, information on how to renew either online or by cheque, award information, and more. Thanks for everyone who has sent in their renewal forms so far! Please note that site visits this year will not be made without prior receipt of your 2018/19 Advisory Fees.
Museum Evaluation Program 2018 Update
Site visits by evaluation teams are on the horizon for museums scheduled in 2018. Site evaluations take place July 9 – and will be happening all over the province. Prior to the sites' visits the Evaluators gather for a day’s training and orientation on July 4th. This year’s orientation will include a new “Guide for Evaluation” which will also be available as a resource for the sites. Karin Kierstead returns from maternity leave on July 3rd and rejoins the small but mighty crew at the ANSM office. Our Thanks to Cathy Blackbourn for serving as lead contact and co-ordinator for the Evaluation Program during Karin’s leave.
Click here to learn more about the program!
In Other News
Save the Dates! 2018 AGM & Conference - September 26-28
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Association of Nova Scotia Museums will be held at 2pm on September 27th at Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal.
The AGM will be held in conjunction with our annual conference, this year held in partnership with the Town of Annapolis Royal and the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, and will take place September 26-28 in Annapolis Royal.
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