Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 2008 Update

New Office Arrangements
As you saw in last week’s email, Passage staff will not be operating out of the FNSH/ANSM office as of December 1st. We are confident that this will not change anything in terms of supporting the members, and can still be reached through email and by our cell phones.

Regional Meetings
This month saw three regional meetings take place in Parrsboro, Kentville, and Orangedale. Karin was able to attend each of them to deliver an update on Passage and visit with the members. These meetings are a wonderful forum to compare notes with colleagues, network, and have some great heritage-related discussions. Thank you to the members for inviting Passage staff to these meetings.

We want to send out a special thanks and congratulations to both Beryl MacDonald & Martin Boston, who each marked 20 years in the heritage community this fall.
Beryl just retired as Curator at the Gut of Canso Museum & Archives in Port Hastings. While she will be missed in her more active role, she plans on volunteering for the group. Thanks for all the hard work over the years Beryl, and all the best in future endeavours!
Martin is a volunteer with the Orangedale Railway Museum and has been an integral part of the organization since its inception. He continues to give tours and assist with every aspect of the museum’s operation. Congratulations on reaching the 20 year mark Martin, and may you enjoy 20 more!

Made in Nova Scotia – Phase III
November saw the completion of Jen & Peter’s Young Canada Works contracts. While we were sad to see them go, they were able to enrich 500 artifact records during their 4 months with the Passage team. Lynn continues to facilitate this project and will be around until February to work on it. If anyone hasn’t sent us records yet and still wants to participate, please contact Lynn at

Artefacts Canada Tally
While the standings for this month haven’t changed, another 6,082 records were added to Artefacts Canada. This means that Passage sites now have 43,707 records online!
Here are the current regional standings:
Southwest: 21,283
Northeast: 15,702
Central: 3,415
Cape Breton: 3,307

We’d like to issue a special challenge to the Central & Cape Breton regions to catch up to the Northeast & Southwest. If you need help uploading, please contact Lynn or myself and we’ll walk you through the process.

Data Cleaning
Over 8,000 records were cleaned this month from three sites, bringing our new grand total of cleaned records to 115,023.
Since we are entering a new year of SDI funding, Karin will be moving on to other tasks and Lynn will be handling data cleaning along with her enrichment work.