Monday, August 31, 2020

So long from Camilo

I was originally slated to intern for ANSM for an eight-week period from June to July. After this time elapsed, I continued working with ANSM for an additional four weeks. The past three months have flown by. Despite working remotely from Toronto, I felt like I have been integrated into the ANSM team. Karin has been particularly supportive, providing guidance on a variety of topics and projects. 

During my three months at ANSM, I was involved in numerous projects. I worked with a spinning-wheel subject matter expert to enrich twenty-four spinning wheel records from sixteen different museums on NovaMuse. I used the knowledge gained from this project to develop educational activities related to spinning wheels. These activities are intended for elementary and middle school students and focus on weaving and creating yarn. I also used CollectiveAccess to research and select records that cover diverse topics and can be transcribed on NovaMuse. I oversaw the creation of colouring pages, jigsaw puzzles, word searches, and crosswords based on records and images from museum collections. I also created tip sheets to accompany these resources, which are meant to help museums develop their own resources. My most recent projects involved cleaning entity records from different museum databases, testing educational activities, and creating new galleries on NovaMuse. I hope that these projects will benefit workers in the heritage field and the larger public. 

When I began the internship, my primary concern was learning more about collections management. This internship has provided me with a comprehensive overview of collections management as well as a deeper understanding of educational museum work. The insights I have gained from this internship experience will be invaluable for my future career in the heritage sphere. I would like to thank everyone at ANSM as well as the Nova Scotia museums staff that I have had the pleasure of interacting with daily for making my internship such a positive experience. I will keep in contact and hope that our paths will cross again soon!

All the best, 

Camilo Mejia

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